Land Art Contemporary and Holt/Smithson Foundation, together with Centrum Beeldende Kunst Emmen, use the fiftieth anniversary of Robert Smithson's Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971) as a starting point to reflect with various parties about and work towards a sustainable future for this pioneering example of Land Art in the Netherlands.

Holt/Smithson Foundation

Nancy Holt (1938-2014) and Robert Smithson (1938-1973) transformed the world of art and ideas. Holt/Smithson Foundation develops their distinctive creative legacies. Collaborating with artists, writers, thinkers, and institutions, Holt/Smithson Foundation realizes exhibitions, publish books, initiate artist commissions, program educational events, encourage research, and develop collections globally from headquarters in New Mexico.

Land Art Contemporary

The launch of Land Art Contemporary (LAC) coincided with the 40th anniversary of the creation of the work of art Broken Circle/Spiral Hill. The work and ideas of Smithson to this day continue to be of major importance for the program of Land Art Contemporary. Smithson’s work is characterized by his reflection on the nature-culture dichotomy: the way man relates to planet earth, the relationship between economy and ecology. Topics that are more pressing now than ever before. In light of this intellectual legacy LAC focuses on presenting existing and new art projects and cultural heritage in the rural environment of Drenthe and beyond.

DIEP Emmen

DIEP Emmen (formerly CBK Emmen) has been the leading provider of visual arts and design in Emmen and the surrounding region for fifty years. DIEP is more than an art space—it is a place for connection, inspiration, and creative expression. Art lovers, residents, and visitors are invited to participate in a wide range of activities, from exhibitions and art projects to workshops and collaborations with local and international artists. Whether you want to experience, discover, or create art, DIEP welcomes everyone.


The opening of Broken Circle/Spiral Hill is made possible through financial contributions by: Provincie Drenthe, Mondriaan Fonds, Gemeente Emmen and het Cultuurfonds.

During the first 45 years Broken Circle/Spiral Hill was located in an active sand quarry of de Zand- en Exploitatie Maatschappij, the family owned company De Boer.The were closely involved in the construction and care of the artwork. Photo: Unknown, 1972

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Holt/Smithson Foundation and Land Art Contemporary, in cooperation with different parties, are working towards a sustainable future for Broken Circle/Spiral Hill in Emmen, The Netherlands.

Activities related to Broken Circle/Spiral Hill are financially supported by:


All artworks and images by Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson are copyright Holt/Smithson Foundation, licensed by VAGA at ARS, New York.

Copyright © 2021-2025 | Credits

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