
All artworks and images by Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson are copyright Holt/Smithson Foundation, licensed by VAGA at ARS, New York.

Alle kunstwerken en afbeeldingen van Nancy Holt en Robert Smithson vallen onder het copyright van Holt/Smithson Foundation, onder licentie van VAGA in ARS, New York.

Website © Land Art Contemporary & Holt/Smithson Foundation 2021

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Holt/Smithson Foundation and Land Art Contemporary, in cooperation with different parties, are working towards a sustainable future for Broken Circle/Spiral Hill in Emmen, The Netherlands.

The opening of Broken Circle/Spiral Hill is generously supported by:


All artworks and images by Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson are copyright Holt/Smithson Foundation, licensed by VAGA at ARS, New York.

Copyright © 2021-2024 | Credits

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